“The Church of Rome and the king of France were and are always the same thing": Alfonso X and France





Alfonso X, France, Papacy, Realty, Relations


In this article, I propose to study the relations of King Alfonso X with France, both from the point of view of the real practice of government and from the conception that the Wise King has of the political performance of the French kings, his neighbours and relatives, especially of their religious policy, in order to better understand the decision he made in his will to include King Philip III in the list of his possible successors on the Castilian throne and the surprising identification that he establishes between “the Church of Rome” and “the king of France”.



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How to Cite

Jardin, J. P. (2024). “The Church of Rome and the king of France were and are always the same thing": Alfonso X and France. Estudios De Historia De España, 26(1), 5–17. https://doi.org/10.46553/EHE.26.1.2024.p5-17