La traducción de la prosa oratoria de Cicerón en sus discursos post reditum


  • Gustavo Daujotas Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Florencia Savarino Universidad de Buenos Aires


Translation, Cicero, Post Reditum


To translate a text has always supposed the election of criteria related to the formal aspect of the work, as well as its contents, registry, technical words, its rhetoric and literary fashion, and, especially, of its reception.
The case of the discourses of Cicero, whose translations to the Spanish language are numerous, cannot elude the problems of the options of a particular criterion as much as the social and cultural historical context in which the text would be read. Our purpose is to show the difficulties and its resolutions in the case of translate institutional lexicon, as much as the oratorical style. We have selected the Post Reditum of Cicero. We will intend to demonstrate some keys of how to translate this kind of discourse to the so called “rioplatense” language


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How to Cite

Daujotas, G., & Savarino, F. (2017). La traducción de la prosa oratoria de Cicerón en sus discursos post reditum. Stylos, 25(25), 50–60. Retrieved from


